Who we are
Explore the world of risk mitigation with Adenium Risk, a distinguished company headquartered in the dynamic city of Sharjah. We stand as your reliable ally, committed to fortifying your future against uncertainties. Adenium Risk specializes in comprehensive risk management services, crafting personalized solutions to neutralize potential threats to your business or personal pursuits.
Our seasoned team of experts brings a wealth of industry experience and knowledge, ensuring the delivery of top-tier consultation services tailored to your unique requirements. Recognizing the value of proactive measures, we go beyond by offering specialized training programs. These initiatives empower you and your team with the skills needed for effective risk prevention.
Opt for Adenium Risk – your dedicated partner in building a robust defense against uncertainties, because your security is our paramount concern.
Our mission
Our mission is to spread a culture of resilience all over the globe.
We do so by supporting, individuals, private entities, and governments to develop a clear awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses, and identify the most effective and efficient opportunities for improvement.
Our Team
Meet Our Experts

Dr Carlotta Rodriquez
Founder and Managing Director
Dr Carlotta Rodriquez is a risk and emergency management specialist, with particular focus on DRR, policy making and resilience assessment. She combines extensive academic and field experience, teaching theoretical knowledge and how to make it operational.Her field of expertise covers architecture and seismic engineering, Disaster Risk Reduction, Disaster Resilience and Social Vulnerability, Disaster management, Shelters and emergency settlements, Sustainable Development, Climate Change, Cultural Heritage, Information management, project writing and project management. She worked as a researcher and professor for several Institutions in Switzerland, Portugal, Italy, and UAE, and as a consultant for international organizations in the field of Disaster Risk Management and Post Disaster Reconstruction, in Asia and in Africa. Highly flexible and efficient, Dr Carlotta worked effectively all over the world in very diverse environments such as governmental institutions, international organizations, research centers and in the field engaging communities and local stakeholders. She is part of several international scientific groups: she is member of two ISO working groups withing the Scientific Committee 292 -Security and Resilience, she is member of the national council of the italian disaster managers’ association (ASSODIMA), and she is part of the UNDRR-ARAB Scientific Technical Advisory Group (STAG).

Roberto Pizzi
Environmental Geologist and Ph.D. Student in Risk Management, with wide experience in the field of disaster risk management. Member of the Italian Disaster Manager Association. Coordinator of the Italian National Standardization Body working group on Civil Protection. National expert in ISO working groups on Emergency Management and Community Resilience. Fields of expertise: exercise designing, emergency planning, disaster waste management.